Men's Lust
About love, life, and sex at a certain age.
The word love, it smells good.
Five extremely different men over the age of 60 talk about themselves and their lives when they were younger, when their egos and their sex drive dominated their thoughts and behavior. They reflect on how a man’s life changes after his hormones settle down, and on failed relationships, pain, feelings of guilt, and the never-ending search for love.
They’re aware of their mistakes, vain attempts to achieve intimacy through sex, and the families they’ve sacrificed on a quest for personal fulfillment. Some, on the other hand, are proud of themselves and the outcome, and are happy to spend time with their grandchildren.
We meet a successful artist who still considers the vagina the most beautiful thing on Earth. Becoming a father late in life is the greatest happiness imaginable to him, and the child represents the true love of his life. Then there’s the strictly monogamous doctor whose way of dealing with the matter gives him the ultimate passion. The spiritual man who has realized in the course of an eventful life that loving a woman is the true source of enlightenment. The cowboy philosopher whose difficult childhood has forced him to make some difficult decisions, and how he deals with his regrets. The aesthetically minded homosexual whose straightforward view of himself and love makes the rest of society seem anything but straight.
They no longer want to struggle with their penis. This thing that they hold in their hand every day. They talk about the fear of being unable to perform some day, worries about their prostate. And also about the sense of relief they feel, since they’re no longer slaves to sex. About workarounds for failing virility, and compensating with more valuable emotions. At the same time, they never lose sight of their erections. Or fail to take advantage of morning wood. Because their little buddy’s still very important.
This is about the ambivalence of enjoying old age but not wanting to die. Your joints get stiff and your attitude goes soft, as one man puts it. And about a willingness late in life to put everything into a relationship. Sex becomes more affectionate, says another, and that he wants to enjoy it until his final breath. These men have become more gentle, and no longer feel that they have to conquer a woman. Sex no longer has a particular objective, and it’s more enjoyable as a result. The desire for young bodies is replaced by one for a mature partner who’s an equal in every way. After years of being driven by their libidos, dreams about more notches on the bedpost or even violent fantasies: finally, sex between two equals.
And according to one of them: The word love, it smells good.
MEN'S LUST is the counterpart to the documentary WOMEN'S LUST.

Directed by:
Gabi Schweiger
Eva Testor
Claus Benischke
Camera assistent:
Judith Benedikt
Christian Flatzek
Andrea Wagner
Markus Glaser
Michael Kitzberger
Wolfgang Widerhofer
Nikolaus Geyrhalter
NGF - Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion GmbH
in coproduction with
with support of
Fernsehfonds Austria
Filmfonds Wien
Land OÖ
Land NÖ
World Sales:
Autlook Filmsales
© Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion GmbH